Can I Upload to Deviantart From My Phone

Only when y'all idea it was over...

It wasn't.

That's right, people! Time for the next How To Eclipse guide and when you lot're done learning everything in that location is to know about submitting your artwork to the new DeviantArt, you lot volition get the next Submit Primary (not to be confused with Pokemon Master). Submitting in Eclipse brings back some of the options nosotros know well but adds some new features that will help your fine art be discovered by the community.

To get to Master level, nosotros're covering the following topics:

  • How to Detect Submit
  • Uploading
  • Deviation Page

  • Discovery
    • Dissecting the options & TAGS!
  • Options
    • Galleries, Groups, and Publishing

  • Making it Bachelor
  • Set to Submit... Or Not!

Though there are many pieces to the Submit page, the overall procedure is unproblematic and quick! Let'southward go started.

How to Detect Submit

This part is easy. Eclipse keeps almost things that you tin can create or submit in one surface area... But hover over the big SUBMIT icon and select Deviation from the driblet down, which can be done from anywhere on the website (for example, the new "Recommended For You" section).

1. Find It V2 by JenFruzz

It's fourth dimension to go your fine art uploaded.


There are 3 means to upload your artwork from the Submit folio:

  • Drag and drop (from a computer file into the blue upload expanse);

  • Choosing a file from your computer or mobile device; or

  • Finding the file in your

1b. File Options by JenFruzz The highlighted tabs above are submissions that I take scheduled to submit at a later on time! More on that near the cease.

Once you select your file, y'all'll encounter a thumbnail version of it appear. And then you're ready to start prepping your art for the public center!

Deviation Page

The next several options assist you control how your artwork will exist presented to others when they come beyond the deviation page: the brandish options, title, and description. To show you each of these areas of the Submit folio, I am using a true piece of art. If y'all can see it, you are worthy of its greatness.

2 and 3. Display options and title description by JenFruzz

Display Options:
This drop down located directly under the thumbnail of your artwork volition permit y'all select the maximum resolution that someone can view your art at. While choosing the largest choice will not be the default view of the departure folio, it does allow y'all to zoom in closer on the artwork. In contrast, the smallest option volition not allow people to view your artwork close-upwardly. Uploading large or small images has advantages and disadvantages... Ultimately the selection is yours.

Coming up with a creative title tin can work equally a great way to grab someone's attending or to provide some insight into the pregnant of your artwork. Abstract artwork can profoundly benefit from captivating titles that hint at the artist's true meaning. Titles on DA are besides often used if the artwork has a purpose other than simply being art. For example, the Adoptables community will oft put the proper noun of their species, if the adoptable is "open up" or "closed", or may provide other useful data to those browsing.


Descriptions are an incredibly effective way to appoint your watchers with some detail about your piece. For instance, Photomanipulation artists will frequently employ this space to describe their procedure and link to the stock used to make their piece (though Eclipse Submit has a cool new mode to include this info. Keep reading!). Literature artists may utilize this space as a identify to tell their readers a fleck well-nigh what inspired their writing. Photographers might tell a story of the journey that brought them to the fourth dimension and place they take captured with their camera. Go artistic and get writing!

Once you have the size, title, and description set, you'll need to find a home for this art on DeviantArt. Which bring united states to...


Once of the most significant changes to come to DA Eclipse is the adoption of a purely tag-based system for browsing and searching. Therefore, it has besides brought changes to how we submit our artwork! There are three key areas to choosing the place your art will be discovered: Content Type, Category, and Tags.

Dissecting the Options

When yous have uploaded a file into the Submit page, you'll exist presented with the following options to help others detect your work. They are:

2 Replace - Discovering Options by JenFruzz

  • Tags: Choose primal words that describe what y'all are uploading. You may currently select upwards to 30 tags! Read more beneath on a special section dedicated to properly tagging your artwork.
  • Cull the Field of study: The drop downward that says Model has ii other options: Object & Character. If y'all desire to use these fields, select the pick that works for y'all and then type the model's name, the object, or the character depicted in your fine art.
  • Location: If y'all created this piece based on a specific location or at a specific location (real or fictional), type information technology in hither.
  • Mature Content: Please always check this box if y'all are submitting mature content. For the rules on what is and is non mature content, refer to this help desk article.
  • Scraps: DeviantArt allows you lot to take a Scraps folder to identify deviations in a space outside of your primary gallery but withal attainable to your watchers. Some use this space to upload WIPs while others might throw any random creation hither!

This system may seem wide. How do you fine tune your submission then people will notice information technology?

:star: Tags! :star:

WOAH. Stars?! Yep. This section is 100% worthy of stardom. Tags are a critical tool to having your art discovered past the community! By calculation relevant fundamental words to your difference submission, there is a far greater risk that someone who wants to see what YOU submit volition find it.

In fact, the only guarantee you have of someone never, ever in a bajillion years (that's a long fourth dimension) finding your art is if they muted one of the tags you have included.

Second WOAH. Muted? Yes! One of Eclipse'due south features is the ability to "mute" certain tags from showing up while you're browsing and searching for artwork on DeviantArt, which can truly change the way you experience the website. For more information on how Muted tags piece of work (and how to take reward of this feature) check out this recent journal from the team !

Once yous accomplish this section, the fun begins.

Taggintips by JenFruzz

You lot can choose up to 30 tags to add to your deviation. Tags should describe your slice beyond just the overall blazon of artwork information technology is. In the example above, I chose tags to describe what my piece is all nearly. It's photography that is bluish, made with a filter, it is a self-portrait, and looking at it fabricated me retrieve of Eiffel65. Observe that when you lot start typing in a new tag, DA volition find similar tags used by others in the community and suggest them to y'all in a drop down!

:bulletblue: Tips for Successful Tagging :bulletblue:

  • Start with medium.
    • Tag the method yous used to create the divergence. Traditional, Digital, Photography, Artisan Crafts, Literature, Fan Art, etc.
    • Continue with a secondary method (if applicable) such as Watercolor, Oils, 3D, Fractal, Photomanipulation, Film, Visual Lit, etc.

    • Tag thepurpose if at that place is ane such as Resources, Stock, Design, Template, Tutorial, etc.
  • Move on to tagging thesubject.
    • For example: Landscape, Portrait, Fiction, Sculpture, Tattoo, Domestic dog, Scenery, Nevertheless Life, Fandom name, Abstract, etc.
  • Then describe the divergence with tags!
    • Blueish, sunset, hirsuite, large, anger, monochrome, street, infrared, vacation, macro, peaceful, etc.


At this point you are nearly gear up to submit. But some terminal decisions may be in guild to ensure you are showing your artwork to as many relevant watchers as possible. Some additional options are the ability to submit this piece to your different gallery folders, your groups, and lastly some control over how your artwork can exist shared. Something not showing upwards? The red circles beneath point out the arrows that can expand or collapse these options. ;P

8 9 10 Options by JenFruzz

  • Submit to My Gallery: If yous bank check whatever box here, your artwork volition be uploaded to that specific gallery folder. You tin can choose more ane! If you choose none then that artwork would only be visible when someone selects "All" from the gallery tab on your contour.
  • Submit to Groups: Checking the box of a group proper name will populate a drop down menu with dissimilar gallery folder options. Choose the right one and you're done! Again, y'all can choose multiple groups or none at all.
  • Publishing Options: This will requite you lot the ability to turn comments for this deviation on or off. You tin also determine how you want social media buttons to be displayed on your deviation folio. Lastly, you accept the ability to choose different licensing options.
  • Check boxes: Submission Policy, Terms of Service, Premium Content Terms of Service, and Print Submissions Agreement are diverse policies from DA that you tin can get more information about past clicking each i on the Submit page.

Making it Available

What does this even hateful? It ways I cannot come up with a creative style to championship the section of the Submit folio that allows you to let others download your fine art, purchase the file, or buy prints! What yous want to allow is entirely up to you. The options are available for all visual fine art file types; however, pieces submitted to Literature will not have an option for Prints.

11. Access by JenFruzz

Ready to Submit... Or Not!

This is it! Y'all've made it through the submission folio and you're gear up to transport it off into your gallery, your groups, your watcher's inboxes, and Hogwarts via virtual owl. Just before you fly to that bright green Submit Now button, HOLD Upwardly. What if it'due south 2:00 am and you don't trust your eyes... maybe you desire to read that clarification one more time after some coffee in the morn. Or perhaps y'all already submitted 71 images to your gallery today and you're trying to avoid raging watchers knocking your door down for some peace and quiet.

Alas... there are more than options.

12. Now or Later by JenFruzz

  • Relieve & Exit: If you click this option, the submission will be saved to your and you lot can go retrieve it there later when you've had your coffee.
  • Schedule: The Schedule option is a souvenir from the DAgods. This handy little agenda tool will permit y'all choose the engagement and time that your piece will be submitted. Retrieve the highlighted tabs from the first prototype of this tutorial? Those are pieces that take been scheduled to submit while I am at work! Recollect the time you choose is in your personal time zone, Non DeviantArt'southward Los Angeles time!

Then there you have it! You are now a Submit Master of DeviantArt Eclipse and you lot can start submitting, categorizing, and TAGGING your artwork like the pro you lot are!

Do you lot have any tips for tagging your artwork? Share them in the comments!


If you have questions nigh Submit, delight go out them in the comments! If you have general feedback nearly Eclipse, that is better leftwhere staff volition see it. More "How to DeviantArt" Tutorials:

Bullet; Green How to DeviantArt: Status Updates
Bullet; Green How to DeviantArt: Searching
Bullet; Green How to DeviantArt: Polls!
:bulletgreen: How to Eclipse: Embrace Images!
:bulletgreen: How to DeviantArt: Journals!
:bulletgreen: How to DeviantArt: Notifications
:bulletgreen: How to DeviantArt: Lookout man
:bulletgreen: How to DeviantArt: Sidebar


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