Your Shit Art Dont Pay Bilsl It Buys Ramen

When I was in college, I felt like having an extra $one,000 a calendar month would basically make me rich.

Information technology seems silly now, only when yous're in higher, $1,000 a month can go a long manner.

Yous could use it to:

  • Pay down your pupil loans
  • Cover your room and board
  • Start investing early
  • Buy a heck of a lot of video games, pizza, or ramen

By my final couple of months in college, I finally hit that $1,000 a month income goal. But looking dorsum, I realize I could take hit that number a lot sooner if I had known what I know at present. That'southward why I've put together this guide.

Beneath, I'll prove y'all 26 ways to actually earn $1,000 a month. No questionable methods, no b.s., and no go-rich-quick schemes. Just ways that, with a little hard piece of work, will pay off rapidly.

Reading this commodity because you recently lost your job? This guide can help.

Before I become to the methods, you need to empathize the correct mindset to have when looking for ways to earn extra coin. I include this section because, as a college student, I fabricated the mistake of spending mode too much money on courses that claimed they would help me brand extra money.

I'thou not proverb that the courses were giving bad advice, but rather that I made the fault of falling for the allure of extra income without wanting to put in the piece of work required to go it. Certainly, there are courses out in that location that tin can aid you boost your income. Only you don't need any of those to become started.

To brand actress coin, y'all merely demand three things:

  1. Exist able to do something people will pay for.
  2. Get people to pay you for it.
  3. Keep doing #2 till y'all've hit your income goal.

The above advice applies whether you lot desire to make an extra $i,000 or $10,000. Of course, in that location are details to atomic number 26 out such as what you'll do and how you'll find people to pay y'all for information technology. That'southward what the rest of this guide is for.

fanning out 1000 dollar bills

Fix to end dreaming and showtime earning? Below, you'll find 26 ways you can actually make an extra $i,000 per month. None of these require expensive equipment, high startup costs, or even a degree. What they do crave is hard work, creativity, and the willingness to try new things or learn new skills.

Freelance Writing

I'g going to start with a method that's near and dear to my centre. Freelance writing was the showtime fashion I started making serious money when I was in college, and I still think it's a slap-up thing to try if y'all have writing skills.

There are a ton of companies out there that need written content, including blog posts, video scripts, website copy, and more. They're willing to pay, too; a starting writer can easily accuse$50 for an article.

More than experienced writers can charge$150/commodity or more,depending on the length and subject area matter. Work your way up to that level, and writing just two articles a week could net you $1,200 a month.

To get started freelance writing, yous have a couple of options. The first is to check out freelance chore boards like Upwork, Fiverr, and ProBlogger. Alternatively, you can reach out directly to blogs that have guest contributions. Both methods tin can piece of work, though I had more success with direct outreach when I was starting out – and in this realm, I had the mostsuccess when I worked to build relationships instead of doing cold outreach.

Yous'll also want to build a portfolio to showcase your writing. Check out our guide to edifice an online portfolio to get started on that.

If you want further guidance, including tips on how to pitch articles and go your outset clients, bank check out this freelance writing course my friends Kristin and Alex created.

Graphic Blueprint

A few examples of our graphic designer's work for the CIG Podcast.
A few examples of our graphic designer's work for the CIG Podcast.

Companies aren't just hungry for written content; they're as well constantly in need of graphics, illustrations, logos, custom slide decks, and other graphic design assets.  If you're artistic or enjoy design, this can be a great way to brand money.

The steps for getting started with freelance graphic blueprint are fairly similar to freelance writing. You can search on Upwork, Fiverr, or fifty-fifty 99designs for gigs. Alternatively, you can ask effectually campus to see if anyone needs pattern assistance. Making business concern cards and logos for people can exist an particularly fruitful place to outset.

If you want tolarngraphic design, at that place are a ton of avenues out at that place. I'll note that information technology's important to learn both thefundamentals of design(composition, type, white space, etc.) and thetechnical skills,such as how to use Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. Here are a few courses to start with:

  • Graphic Design Basics – Core Principles for Visual Design
  • Master the Basics of Adobe Illustrator

Spider web Development

Having a website is a must these days, yet then many businesses and individuals nevertheless don't take one. This is a great opportunity for anyone with web development skills to make some serious money.

But what if I don't know how to brand a website? Only read our guide, and now you have no excuses. Combine that with a few spider web development tutorials on Skillshare, and you'll have all the skills y'all need to build beautiful, functional websites for just about anyone.

Our spider web developer, Martin, was able to charge $1,000 for a bones website when he was freelancing. And those development skills eventually led him to a full-fourth dimension career working for Higher Info Geek. And then whether you desire to make some extra money on the side or enter an in-demand, well-paying field, web development is worth learning.

If you're serious about learning web development quickly, I recommend these resources:

  • The Top Web Development Courses on Skillshare — These are all classes taught by experts and volition become you up to speed even if you accept no prior knowledge. The link will as well get you a ii-calendar week free trial, plenty of time to get through the courses.
  • Treehouse — Treehouse is a website dedicated to teaching you how to lawmaking, and they have a large library of web development courses.

Sound Transcription

Voice recognition technology is getting better every day, just it still isn't neat at transcribing existent human voice communication. For this reason, there's a demand for skilled audio transcriptionists.

Audio-what-tionists? When transcribing audio, all you do is listen to a recording and turn it into a word certificate. All kinds of companies and people need this service, and they're willing to pay. While you lot can do this on your own, it's mostly better to work for an sound transcription company. This way, you lot don't take to find clients.

I recommend looking into Rev — pay starts at $0.36 per minute of sound, which ways you demand to transcribe around 50 hours of audio per month (12.5 per week) to hit the $1,000 marker. Plus, y'all can do this job from the comfort of your home, making it great for plumbing fixtures around your busy schedule.

Helping People with Computers

Using a estimator may seem 2d-nature to you, you darn millennial-Gen-XYZ whippersnapper. Merely for many people who aren't "digital natives," it'southward non so like shooting fish in a barrel. Instead of making fun of your grandpa for not knowing how to apply his iPad, why not see if you can turn your knowledge into some extra cash?

The possibilities here are only limited by your creativity and what people will pay for. Just a few ideas:

  • Brand PowerPoints for your less than tech-savvy professors (a erstwhile professor reached out to me about this but the other day)
  • Give a form on computer basics at a local retirement home or customs eye
  • Start your own IT business organization that makes business firm calls (a friend of mine fabricated 1 contact in higher who paid him around $200/month for very basic computer help. The guy was pretty wealthy, but knew goose egg almost computers.)

You can cull to charge per 60 minutes or per project — whichever makes more than sense.

Bonus Tip: If you're willing to take some time and spend a fleck of money to get an A+ Certification, you may be able to accuse even more than. If you cull to go this route, yous should become Mike Meyers' (no, notthatMike Meyers) splendid CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, which is updated every year.

Investing Your Money

I'll state this upfront: Compared to every other method on this list, investing will accept by farthe longest amount of fourth dimension to make y'all an extra $1,000 a calendar month. Still, you should seriously consider investing as early on every bit yous possibly can.

Hither'southward why: Investing means putting your money to work for you. Every other method here requires you to essentially trade hours for dollars; investing allows you to sit back as the money you have invested grows due to compound involvement. And the sooner you lot go started, the more that compound interest will benefit you.

Here's a uncomplicated calculation: If you're 25 now and y'all invest simply $200 a month for the next 30 years at a 7% rate of return (which is reasonable to look over the long term), by the time you're 55 you'll have a scrap over $228,000 – even though you only invested a total of $72,000 of your hard-earned money.

That means that you gained a whopping $156,000 while you slept. And that's assuming you never increase your monthly investment as yous go further into your career; do that (as most smart investors do) – and go started as early every bit possible to reap the benefits of compound involvement yr after year – and y'all tin can retire with millions.

Here'southward another adding, this time looking at what it would accept to be able to pull $1,000 a calendar month out of your retirement savings every month for 30 years:

40 years of saving for retirement - $1,000/month goal

Once more, bold yous never increase your contribution (which is unlikely), you still only need to save $316 a calendar month assuming you start when you're 25. (Y'all tin use this Bankrate calculator to play with the numbers.)

How to become started: The main three things you demand to know are:

  1. Tax-advantaged retirement accounts are your friends. A Roth IRA is agreatplace to start.
  2. Index funds are your friends. These passively follow the entire stock market, providing a good rate of render without besides much risk.
  3. High fees are yourenemy.Even a fee of 1% on a fund tin can eat ahugeportion of your earnings. And funds that charge these fees virtually never outperform lower-cost funds.

While you lot tin learn and optimize later, these iii rules are really all yous demand to go started.

As forwhereto start, M1 Finance is a peachy selection; they don't charge direction fees, there's no minimum starting investment (you could throw in $fifty now and set up a $25 monthly auto-investment to outset), and they adjust your investments based on your goals.

M1 Finance - Automated Investing

Once you've started earning a stable income and paid downward your debts, it'due south crucial to showtime investing for the future. In my opinion, M1 Finance now represents the best option for get-go investors. The platform is free to employ, allows you lot to open a Roth IRA (the best starting pick for virtually students and immature professionals), and allows for automated investing into index fund ETFs. Near no other platform offers this philharmonic.

M1 Finance - Automated Investing

We earn a committee if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to yous.

Selling Your Old Stuff

Your closet, garage, or attic is probably full of perfectly expert things that you just don't use anymore. Instead of letting them sit there collecting dust and getting in your manner, why not sell them for some extra greenbacks?

Depending on how much stuff you accept, yous could certainly earn an actress $i,000 doing this. This is especially truthful if your parents or grandparents will let yous comb through their onetime stuff and sell information technology as well.

That being said, this probably isn't the all-time way to consistently make actress money. To do that, you demand to branch beyond selling your stuff and into selling other people's.

Retail Arbitrage

Retail-what? So information technology'southward a fancy business concern term, but all it means is going to stores like Wal-Mart, Target, or even a thrift store and finding items that you can re-sell online for a profit.

Generally, people use either Amazon or eBay to exercise this, though you could as well look into a more specialized platform such as Poshmark or Etsy if you lot're focusing on habiliment or vintage goods.

Now, be warned — if you do this incorrect, y'all can lose a bunch of money and waste matter a lot of time. You lot have to exist smart about what y'all buy, which more often than not means using a tool like the Amazon Seller app (Android | iOS) to calculate your potential profit. Just if you do it correct, this tin can exist an effective way to make money in your free fourth dimension.

Fixing & Flipping Cars (or Other Vehicles)

Hardly a day goes past that I don't see an erstwhile machine or bike for sale in someone's yard. While I don't accept the fourth dimension or mechanical skills to practise it, I know lots of people who make expert money ownership sometime vehicles, fixing them up, and re-selling them.

This is definitely an surface area where you need to know what you're doing, and you'll also need the appropriate tools and space. Just provided you have those things, it's easy enough to become started. Even if yous spend a few months fixing up a auto and manage to sell it for a $five,000 turn a profit, that'due south easily an extra $ane,000 a month.

Babysitting or Nannying

People accept kids, and they need a responsible developed to scout them. At that place's practiced money to be made here, particularly if you have the time to do a more involved task such equally nannying.

You can either go through a site such every bit or build upwards your own business through discussion of mouth. I take a few friends that were hands able to charge $xx per hour for this sort of work, which ways you would merely need to work an extra 12.5 hours per week to reach $1,000 a month.


This category covers everything that people don't want to practise in their yards. People tend to acquaintance yardwork with warm-weather activities such every bit lawn mowing, only information technology can also include things like shoveling snow and picking up dog poop. With these activities, yous can stay busy earning money all yr round.

Pro-tip: When I was a teenager, I stood out from the other teenage lawn-mowing businesses by BUNDLING dog poop option-up and lawn mowing. Differentiating yourself is key!

How you price this work is up to y'all — you can charge a flat charge per unit based on the size of the chiliad (this works well for mowing or snow shoveling) or an hourly rate (which is best if you don't know how long the work will take). As long as yous charge enough, you tin hit your extra income goals with only a few hours of work per week.

Cleaning Houses

Cleaning is something that has to be washed, but many people don't accept the time or desire to do information technology. This is where y'all come in — with just some elementary cleaning supplies and a few hours per week, you tin can earn great money.

To maximize your earnings, we recommend doing this gig solo. Yous'll go to keep all the money you earn, and you tin often accuse a more than competitive rate than a bigger cleaning company. Getting started is as simple as asking around, and it's piece of cake to accuse $100 for a minor firm or apartment. Practice that 10x per month, and there'due south your extra $1,000.

Home Repairs

In a similar vein to cleaning houses, things around the business firm tend to suspension. While some people know how to fix them, plenty of others volition go running to a handyman (or woman) whenever they need to patch a pocket-sized hole or gear up a leaky faucet.

If you have some basic tools and a petty fleck of practice, yous can earn good money helping friends, family unit, and anyone else with elementary household repairs. People will pay more for this than you might think — my friend in one case got paid $100 just to help a co-worker hang a curtain rod.

Note: Please don't accident yourself upwards, chop off your hand, or get electrocuted. Leave any major piece of work to licensed and bonded professional contractors. But for small fixes, go for it!

Nutrient Commitment Driver

In our modern digital world, yous can now get well-nigh annihilation delivered with an app on your smartphone. While the logistics of this process are highly automated, a existent human even so has to make the deliveries (drone commitment aside, of course).

If you have a vehicle and a smartphone, then that human being could be yous. In that location are lots of commitment apps to cull from, and they all work more or less the same mode. The app sends y'all a notification, you go selection something upward, then y'all deliver it to the customer. All you have to practise is follow the app'southward directions.

Some of the most popular food commitment apps are:

  • Postmates
  • Uber Eats
  • Grubhub
  • DoorDash

If you lot brand deliveries in your spare fourth dimension, then yous can certainly get to $1,000 a month in extra income. Since commitment earnings can vary based on location, however, the number of hours you'll need to work to attain $i,000 per calendar month will depend on where you live.


Many parents will do anything to assist their kids succeed, even if information technology means spending lots of money. Tutoring is a prime example of this. Later all, how is your neighbour'south kid going to get into Harvard at historic period 15 if they can't pass their first-grade algebra class?

Okay, this might be a chip of an exaggeration, but lots of parents freak out when their child is struggling even a lilliputian bit in school. To fix this, they'll often rent a tutor, and that tutor could hands be you. Every bit long equally you know more than well-nigh a discipline than a child and are expert at explaining things, you lot tin be a tutor (though some parents may want you to have sure test scores or grades in certain courses).

Reading and math are definitely the most popular subjects, but you can tutor anything that kids' parents are willing to pay for. To maximize your earnings, we recommend being a freelance tutor, but you lot tin can also earn decent money working for a tutoring visitor.

Teaching a Foreign Language

¿Habla español? Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Parlez-vous français? If y'all answered "yeah" to whatever of these questions, then you might exist able to earn extra money education a foreign language.

Now, this won't work if yous just took a few classes in high school or higher — you need to be fluent in the language. But assuming y'all are, then you tin earn good coin helping other people learn a language. This is especially true if you lot can teach a high-demand language such as English, Mandarin, or Spanish.

To go started, nosotros recommend iTalki, which is our favorite identify to find online linguistic communication teachers.

Notation: While non required, having some kind of degree or certification in the language you desire to teach will definitely help heave your earnings.


Think you need to exist a CPA to do accounting? Wrong. In fact, yous don't need any formal certifications or degrees to be a bookkeeper. All yous demand is an agreement of basic bookkeeping and accounting principles. My friend Thomas (this site's founder) landed a part-fourth dimension job in high school doing bookkeeping for a minor business organization.

It can besides be helpful to know your way effectually the bookkeeping software that small businesses apply – the nigh popular is Quickbooks, though Moving ridge and Xero are also pop. If y'all know Quickbooks, though, y'all can quickly adapt to others. Hither'due south a very thorough Quickbooks class you can take on Skillshare (this link gets you a 2-calendar week free trial, so you could have other accounting classes there for free during that time).

Selling Handmade Appurtenances on Etsy

Know how to knit? Make pottery? Craft jewelry? If you lot can arrive with your easily, so you can probably sell it on Etsy. Etsy is fairly mainstream now, but in case y'all haven't heard of it, it's an online marketplace for selling handmade and vintage goods. You set your own prices, and Etsy takes a small commission each time y'all make a sale.

At present, you lot won't get-go making extra money with Etsy overnight. Y'all need to take proficient photos, write compelling descriptions, and get the word out well-nigh your store. But if you're willing to take the time to practice this, then you lot can certainly build up a business that makes an actress $1,000 per month.

To get started selling on Etsy, check out this Skillshare grade on Building an Etsy Shop that Sells.

Working equally a Virtual Assistant

At that place are lots of busy professionals who have manner more money than time. Therefore, they're willing to pay to go some of their time back. This is the whole premise behind hiring a virtual assistant (VA) — you lot do the things that a busy person doesn't have time to do.

Many people associate virtual assistants with outsourcing, but there'south actually a sizable marketplace for native English-speaking VAs based in U.Southward. timezones.

If you're organized, responsive, and don't mind dealing with stressed out, sometimes enervating professionals, then this can be a great gig. Your job volition mostly consist of scheduling appointments, booking travel, answering calls and emails, and doing any else the person you're assisting is too decorated to practise.

To learn how to get started as a VA, check out this course from our friend (and sometime CIG virtual assistant) Kayla Sloan.

Personal Chef

There are lots of people who need assist with cooking. Some people are likewise decorated to cook for themselves, while others are unable to cook due to historic period or inability. Whatever the case, if you know how to melt, then you lot can turn that skill into extra money.

Co-ordinate to Career Tendency, the boilerplate hourly charge per unit for a personal chef is between $35 and $50 per hour. Even if you tin just charge $35 per hour, that means you can make $1,000 with just an extra 29 hours of piece of work per month. Plus, yous'll meet lots of interesting people and take an amazing experience to put on your resume.

Note: Exist sure to check local laws to brand sure you don't need whatever special licenses or food-treatment certifications to be a personal chef.

Aid People Move

If y'all've e'er moved to a new house or flat, y'all know how much of a pain it is. It's time-consuming, laborious, and oft frustrating. For this reason, most people who can beget it will rent movers.

If you're organized, careful, and capable of lifting heavy things, then you can start your ain moving concern today. Having a truck or other large vehicle also helps, though information technology'southward not strictly necessary.

You can easily charge $100 for a small-scale moving chore (oftentimes more than), then this is an awesome gig to earn the extra cash you're looking for.

Street Performer

I'll never forget walking down Fremont Street in Las Vegas, seeing the street performers, and witnessing the unbelievable things people volition do to make a cadet. While I don't advise that y'all copy the things the performers on Fremont practise (the human dressed as a behemothic babe however gives me nightmares), street performing can be a solid way to earn extra money.

What you practice is entirely up to you. Busking (playing music for donations) is a time-honored approach, but you lot could as well tell fortunes, make art, or simply clothes upwardly in a weird costume and charge for photos. I've never done this myself, but I bet you lot can definitely make $1,000 a calendar month doing this office-time.

Note: Many cities require you to have a license in order to be a street performer (peculiarly if you're going to charge money or ask for tips). Bank check your local laws before you begin. And, obviously, don't do anything that volition get you lot arrested, fined, or kicked out of school.

Personal Trainer

Most people would like to be in better shape than they are. And when going to the gym won't cut information technology, the people who can beget it will often hire a personal trainer. If y'all know how to get (and stay) in shape, and so there'due south no reason that personal trainer can't be yous.

Co-ordinate to PayScale, the average hourly rate for a personal trainer is $xix. That means you lot only demand to work around 13 hours a week to hit your $1,000 monthly target. Every bit long as you lot can detect enough clients, this is an easy gig to get started with.

Note: We strongly recommend that you get a personal trainer certification if you're going to do this. Non only will it assist y'all market yourself to potential clients, just it volition besides make sure that yous and your clients stay safe.


Can yous play music off your computer? So that'due south really all y'all need to be a DJ. Having some more than specialized equipment certainly helps, merely DJ-ing actually isn't that difficult to learn.

You probably won't end upwards playing festivals for millions of dollars, only you lot tin can certainly earn $i,000 a month DJ-ing weddings or parties on the weekends.

To learn how to DJ, check out this class from a professional person DJ and audio engineer.


This might well exist the holy grail of earning extra income. There'south a lot of b.s. in the consulting globe, simply it can be a perfectly legitimate field. As a consultant, you help businesses (or sometimes individuals) overcome a particular trouble. Mostly, the goal is to help a business make more money.

If that sounds insanely wide and generic, it is. Merely that'south the dazzler of consulting. If you lot can aid a business organisation brand more money, and so yous tin basically charge whatever you lot want, provided it'south less than the amount of additional coin you'll help the business make.

Hither are just a few things yous could consult on:

  • Accounting
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Website blueprint
  • Website copy
  • Business processes

Junk Removal

People have all kinds of crap in their yards and houses that they need help getting rid of. If you have a potent back and a vehicle that can booty junk, and so you can get-go your own junk removal business.

To become started with this, your best bet is to striking the streets. Walk effectually local neighborhoods and see if y'all tin spot piles of castor, trash, or other items that people might need help getting rid of. Then, just knock on doors and see if anyone is interested. Information technology can take some persistence, but you can easily charge enough for this to make at least an extra $1,000 in 30 days.

Hourly Jobs

This is a very broad category, simply nosotros wanted to include information technology because sometimes making extra money is equally uncomplicated as getting a good ole fashioned office-fourth dimension job.

Bold you can work 20 hours per week, you lot just need to find a task that pays at least $12.l an hour in order to hitting the $1,000 per month target. Information technology may non exist the sexiest fashion to brand extra money, simply information technology's proven to work.

Want to learn nigh some of our favorite hourly jobs for students? Bank check out this list.

Making an actress $1,000 a month actually isn't that hard. You just need to pick something from the above list that matches your skills, interests, and available time.

And then what are y'all waiting for? That money isn't going to make itself. Get out in that location and start earning it!

Want a more detailed look at some of the jobs we discuss in this guide? Bank check out these 5 jobs that allow you lot ditch the office and work from home.

Paradigm Credits: featured, 100 dollar bills


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